Sitting up at Arthurs Pass with 3G connection in Aaron Prince’s family cabin. A great location …
Little re cap of the last 48 hours …
My dad drove me 3 hrs north to the LAX airport for my 13 hr flight to Auckland
Thanks to some drugs I slept well on the plane and arrived to a warm summer morning in Auckland. I traveled onward to Christchurch, landing at 11.30 and accomplished the following on the first afternoon …
– picked up rental car
– arranged a roof rack with bars
– arranged a kayak rack for my boat
– arranged a bike rack for my bike
– moved into my basecamp in Christchurch
– picked up my kayak (a Sharp 6 multisport boat)
– shopped for a week’s worth of groceries for being up in the mountains
– built a footplate for my kayak (the foot pedals in the boat are really crappy and I wanted something that felt similar to my surfski)
Here is the evolution of my rental car form 11.30 when I arrived until late at night.
First, a rack to get me going from the airport …
Second, a bike tray from my support crew Greg Scott…
Third, a kayak rack from Tim Pearson. A fantastic piece of gear to borrow since my boat is really long and car roof is really short. Tim just had this sitting in his garage … !
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Forth, my kayak, which I rented from David Watt.
As for the foot plate …I didn’t actually build anything, but I benefited from Tim Pearson’s handy work. As an experienced Coast-to-Coaster and master carpenter, Tim took control and banged out a footplate in less than two hours. Tim and I first met as teammates at Explore Sweden in 2004 and he’s been a great friend and supporter for my NZ adventures over the years (he’s also a hunter of big game in NZ and has a bunch of pelts to prove it).
My goals for this trip …. Since it’s short, I need to stay focused, while also ensuring my consulting business runs smoothly. I have a tendency to do too much at the same time so I laid down some ground rules on myself:
** Train hard. Rest a lot. When not training I’m gonna lay horizontal as much as possible. Recovery will be key to race prep.
** Eat healthy. Anyone want a good book ? Check out “The Paleo Diet for Athletes: The Ancient Nutritional Formula for Peak Athletic Performance (by Joe Friel)”. Great tips on eating healthy and how to balance a paleo diet with the need for high carb intake before, during and after hard training/racing.
** Early to bed … early to rise. Get used to early morning wake ups in prep for race.
** Use my roller. Massage my legs as much as I can when I’m not training.
In my next blog I’ll tell you about my first big training day … a run over Goat Pass in beautiful sunshine…
PS Here is base camp in Christchurch at Emma Newman’s house — the pink curtains match my pink roller ..