We’re getting close to the end of the year. Time to check the stats on funbeat. Was 2013 a good training year?
Funbeat is the social media training site that logs your training, while letting your friends comment (or criticize!) your training sessions (or lack thereof…). It’s a fun way to share GPS routes, heart rate curves, pictures, and other tidbits from daily training (Follow my training on the RSS feed to the right, or send me a friend request on funbeat.net).
Another advantage is that you don’t “lose your data” when you upgrade your watch (from a Garmin to a Polar to a Suunto, for example) because Funbeat accepts GPS files from all major watch companies, which lets you keep your data in one safe place.
It turns out Funbeat is in the running for a prize – they’ve been nominated as one of the top five sites in health and exercise 2013. Surf here to go in and vote for funbeat.
So funbeat tells me I’ve logged the following in 2013:
– Total distance trained (bike, run, kayak + multisport) – 7,887 km (4,900 miles)
– Total time trained (bike, run, kayak + races) – 520 hours (~ 10 hrs/week)
– 1,200 km / 125 hours running
– 3,700 km / 153 hours biking
– 1,200 km/ 113 hours kayaking
– 1,600 km / 112 hrs multisport racing
(I excluded several hours of weight training and skiing and other random stuff)
I just started tracking body weight too, but haven’t put that in to funbeat yet. After spending the last several years around 77 to 78 k, I seem to have settled in around 75 kg, which seems about right for me.
So the year was pretty good for training, but last week was not. I’m still not where I want to be, as I can’t seem to shake this cold, despite my acupuncture and Chinese herbs … But I’m staying positive
Speaking of China …
… I have some Chinese visitors this weekend. Amanda Lu, Tiger Li, and Yuting Zhou. I met Amanda at the Zunyi Outdoor Quest in China in September when I was walking around before the race with my GoPro camera on my helmet. I was trying to find a photographer to strike a deal with: If they gave me some still pictures after the race, I would give them my “on course” GoPro footage. Amanda took up the deal immediately and we became friends.
She and her husband Tiger (part of the Standing Committee for the Chinese Mountaineering Association) are traveling the world for 800 days taking amazing pictures (check out their stuff at www.facebook.com/zizi.he.33). Among other things they are taking pictures for a fast-growing Chinese outdoor clothing company called Mobi Garden.
Last night we grilled some New Zealand Green Mussels on the barbie and then headed out for a photo shoot today.
Here are a few teasers from the photo shoot. A film and some cool pics are coming soon….
Merry Xmas ☺
Scott Cole
PS I challenge a multisporter to come up with a “bike-kayak-run” equivalent of Dean Karnazes’ 12 runs of Christmas. Send me one and I’ll publish it here … if it’s good enough ☺