Crowning a new king



Well it was a beautiful day once again for the 2013  Åre Extreme Challenge …



Congrats to Björn Rydvall av Team Silva Haglöfs who executed a perfect race and won the 2013 Åre Extreme Challenge.   It’s a good sign for multisport in Sweden when the only way you can win is to be “your absolute best” on game day. Björn was and he won.


björn finish


The nice thing about Björn was that he let me taste the Champagne afterwards, but somehow it tasted better last year.  Not sure why …  :)

finish champagne liza nordenmark

 (picture from Liza Nordenmark)

Congrats to Caroline Holmqvist of Team AXA-adidas who won the women’s title.  That was quite a come-back after a tough injury last year — big expectations from you in 2013 now, Carro !

caroline finish


To my recent teammates in China — Daniel Hansson and Emil Dahlqvist of Team FJS — you guys were awesome. It was more fun to harness your guys’ strength in China than to  compete against it.   Daniel: who knows if you would have had the bike legs to beat Björn at the end (not sure who would have!?), but you were flying like hell when your chain broke. I’m sorry. But I also know that you’ll be back next year … which is good for the sport :)

Thanks to my Team Dynafit support crew !   Hans L, Patrik N, and Björn G did an awesome job. Watch out next year — some of them may be on the starting line instead !

support crew gang

Finally, thanks to Mats and Natasha for putting on the best multisport event in Sweden … hell, in Europe !  The question is — who’s the next Mats and Natasha in Sweden ? Who’s willing to create 2 or 3 more high-profile solo multisport events that will get this sport to take off in a country with gifted athletes, spectacular scenery and challenging terrain ?

If you have the answer, email me …

Recover  well … then train hard !


PS  I plan to put together a full race report in the coming days for those who want to hear the details … stay tuned.

PPS   This was a man possessed … maybe that is why he won ? Or maybe he was looking back to see where I was  … :)

björn tuff face

(picture from Erik Putsep)

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