Photo shoot and presentation

Hey,  photo shoots have been on the agenda recently. I might actually feel like a pro athlete if I didn’t remind myself that I have to have a normal job too.

Ute Magasinet is putting together an article on training tips for the Åre Extreme Challenge  (spring 2014). It’s for their new attachment to their magazine called “Utemagasinet Träna” which will focus on inspring stories about training outdoors. Emma Rodling met me down at the lake and took some nice paddling pics .

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Monday morning greeted Jämtland with a picture perfect fall day. I met Johannes Poignant (the same guy who caught me by chance upside down in my kayak the week before, see previous blog), a top photographer. We spent the day creating some fun shots. Here are a few samples …

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Then Tuesday morning I created a video at Friskis&Svettis demonstrating my strengthen training for those that I’m coaching – and also to inspire those who will attend my presentation there in two weeks.



Before I left for China I signed a deal with BikeRays to be one of my Partners. They will supply me with a powerful (an under-statement!) and affordable headlamp for fall and winter training. Their 3,000 lumen Ray-Fi has 4 settings, a 4,5 Ah battery (in protected rubber casing to keep it dry in the rain) and lasts up to 3.5 hours on the highest setting. Thanks to Roger Strandberg for these pics and short film.

bike ray 1 bike ray 2

Here is a short “night-rider” film


Last night I had a presentation at Velo Rapid bike shop. I showed my new GoPro film from China (coming soon to the blog), shared some pics from Coast to Coast 2013 and talked about training with a heart rate monitor. Took some tough questions from the audience, which included some sports science researchers (yes, that made me a bit nervous…). Another audience member was Örjan Sandler, who was an Olympic speedskater for Sweden that competed in 5 Olympics (1968 to 1980). After his skating career, he switched to ironman and delivered a 10 hour finish at Hawaii — impressive! It was fun to talk with the “still very fit” 73 year old about the evolution of endurance training methods over the years.


Velo present Velo Örjan

The 73 year old legend Örjan Sandler.

This weekend I’ll be racing in Raid Uppsala together with New Zealander Aaron Scott (mentioned on previous post as organizer of the new “all women’s adventure race”).  The modest Kiwi hides an inner competitiveness that I expect will show itself on Sunday. This is the best pic I could find from him in Coast to Coast NZ …

aaron scott


Beautiful light snow flurries this morning amid a bright orange rising sun. I will miss Jämtland’s exciting and unpredictable weather this winter … but after yesterday’s 2 degrees C ride on my time trial bike, I’m looking forward to what Southern California can offer in the month of November …

Train smart

Scott C



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