C2C Pictures

T+2 Days after C2C. Body hurts. Mind not so fresh. But no injuries.

Here come a few pictures from my team of photographers: Phil Lemon, Melonie Long, Dan Tartaglia, and Jacinda Milligan. Nice work guys!

Despite a great event and fantastic journey across the South Island there is an inescapable sense of disappointment. I didn’t reach my goal of the top 10. But that’s life. If you reached every goal you set, then I suppose you’re either lucky or you’re setting your goals too low.  More on that later … Enjoy the pics. Race story and film coming soon …

PS. The big news from New Zealand is that Richard Ussher has been appointed the Race Director for C2C 2015, by the new owners. Expect some changes to shake things up and  get the number of participants back up to the level they had in the “glory days” …


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I had a good bike and started the run only 6 minutes behind the leaders. But my legs didn’t have the push I needed.


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The middle bike section featured sunshine and tailwind.  25 min of eating, drinking, and spinning hard to get to the kayak.


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I had lots of helping hands on race day :)


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Crossing the bridge and spotting my kayak down on the bank…


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I did a “double-take” when I saw this photo.  My support crew was practicing how best to put on my paddle skirt to save seconds. They did a great job!


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I had quite a bit of media around me as I climbed in to the kayak.


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The river was beautiful as always and that painful headwind only came up near the end.


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Exiting the kayak is one of the more interesting parts of the race. I remember saying in a strong whisper to Nigel (on my right) “Hold on, don’t let go” as I was afraid I would literally collapse in front of the cameras. A few steps later I re-gained my stride, and was soon jogging up the hill to my bike.


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Helmet, shoes, and lubrication in a few key spots.  70km left to the finish line.

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I exited the kayak in 12th place and was told that I had 8 min up to 10th. I went hard but soon ran out of steam … then I hit the wall.  Before I made it to the finish, three people had passed me, including the female winner Jess Simson.


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I felt like I was nearly crawling to the finish, more than 13 hours after starting from the West Coast at 6 am.


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I had a quick swim in the warm east coast water …


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For those who were out late — a few crossed the finish line at 11 pm — Mother Nature provided a full moon.




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