Hey from Wuhan, China!
I just landed in prep for the 3 day Wuhan Mountain Quest stage race, which begins on 8 November. I will post daily updates on my Multisport Facebook page (facebook.com/scottcolemultisport).
I connected to my “Docking station” (?!) at the airport, a friendly English-speaking volunteer named Sophie who showed me the way to the hotel — a cold and wet place up in the hills …
But that fits well because I’ve been training in the cold wet hills of Östersund. Here is a 60 second GoPro video that I recently posted on my Multisport FB page. Some cool shots from Johannes’s “drone helicopter” …(if the Chinese sensors sabotage this Vimeo, you can copy/paste this link in your browser — https://vimeo.com/110552016)
In other news I finally finished my kayak storage project, just in time for winter. My boats will be protected from the snow this winter thanks to some great work by my neighbor Lars Andersson.
It feels great to have this home-base to paddle from — the water is only 200 meters away. Just about the time my lake will freeze in mid December I’ll be headed to California for Christmas, where I”ll be paddling a K1 in the beautiful San Diego harbor …
So what’s different about racing in China this time?
First, we’re not as far south (and it’s much later in the year) so temperatures won’t be anywhere near the usual 30 C / 90 F. Instead, we anticipate rain and around 10 C / 50 C. So that means salt tablets will be less important, but I’m still taking a lot of other supplements with me, including fish oil, Vitamin C, probiotics for my stomach, and Knee Fix from my sponsor Fjord Nutrition.
Knee Fix” for the last several months to prevent pain and inflammation of the joints (and other un-pleasantries as I get older …). It mixes 6 natural ingredients to prevent cartilage decline (Glucosamine, Ginger, Quercetin, Turmeric, Boswelia serrate, and shark fin cartilage). It seems to be working — I’ve been feeling great despite 16 years of multisport racing …
I’ve been using “Second, although multisport races like these have been held throughout China, this is the first time in Wuhan, Hubei Province. So I don’t know the terrain, but the Yangtse River passes through town, so I guess we may be paddling on this gigantic river (3nd longest in the world).
Third, I’ve never raced with two of my teammates Jacob and Helena (see previous blog posting). I know they’re top athletes, as is my other teammate Martin, but we may need some time to get to know each other.
Fourth, I had a nightmare about my trip … Usually, it’s a last minute panic to pick up my Chinese Visa en route to the airport, but this time I was out in good time. Despite this (or perhaps because of it?!), I woke up from a nightmare where I couldn’t get into the Beijing Airport because I forgot my Visa. Martin was standing on the other side with a disappointed look and I had to fly back to Sweden … When I woke up, it felt so real that at 2 am I opened my drawer and double-checked that I did indeed have my visa!
One thing that isn’t different about racing in China is the competition. As usual, the best in the world will be there, including Braden Currie’s and Marcel Hagner’s team — both from the powerhouse multisport land of NZ.
So early this morning I loaded up on energy by eating the last of a fantastic Paleo Pumpkin Pie, packed-up my bike and headed to the Östersund airport where the first big winter snow was just hitting town …
Now time to assemble my bike and take a spin around Wuhan …
PS As some of you saw on my most recent FB post, I had a run technique training with Irina Persson of JamtKliniken on Monday. I’ll be writing more in a future blog about my commitment to improving my running style — every calorie of energy saved from improved efficiency counts in endurance sports!