It’s been quiet on the blogg during my vacation, which featured less social media and more training. Here’s a short film from my “mini training camp” in California while I was home visiting the family.
Thanks to Johannes Poignant for sorting through a truckload of GoPro clips and picking out the best ones.
By the way, if you want to see what my neighbor was doing in Northern Sweden while I was running barefoot on the beach, check out this fun video from Emil Eklöv of Knåda Natur, who is also a trainer for Movnat — primal strength training that involves carrying and balancing heavy loads under challenging conditions.
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Happy winter training …
Wow, that’s quite a juxtaposition between you and your neighbor!
Wow! Vad fint du hade det på ditt “trainingcamp”, vilken inspirerande träningsmiljö, men den där snön där hemma ser inte så illa ut den heller. Ser fram emot att ses snart! /Annika