…can be found here in past blog postings. Try a Google site search to find old stories. For example, type...

Part I: Multisport & Economics
My blog readers know me as an endurance athlete, but I’m also a person with a keen interest in the value...

A left-brain victory in Stavanger
Like most great multisport ideas, TTT started with a simple wager among friends. “Do you think it’s possible to paddle...

Discovering humility in Tromso, Norway
A year ago I heard about a mountain run in the fjords of Norway. Considering myself a good technical runner,...

The alphabet soup of my endurance comeback: ÅEC, AXA, TSR. Here come a few reflections on language barriers while mountain...

What ÅEC means to me as a competitor
On Saturday I will race in the 20th edition of the Åre Extreme Challenge (ÅEC). After missing the race last...

Sky Racing in Italy (Trentapassi)
I tested two things on Sunday: my body and my feet. I passed both tests and turned a corner in...

My 3-day multisport camp: From Student to Coach
How do you know if my 3-day multisport camp is right for you? Answer: Because a stubborn student can actually become a good coach. Let me explain...

I invested in Vivo because …
I invested in Vivo Barefoot because … … I’m guided by curiosity and interest in a company that teaches us...

Overtraining VI: When to stop reaching
Part VI of my blog series on my bout with overtraining. Eight months ago I admitted that I was overtrained. What’s...

Overtraning to a runner’s high?
If we’re not being chased by a lion, why do we run? I just re-learned the answer to that question this...

Övertraning – Part V. The Story
This is the FIFTH in a series of entries on my blog about my bout with overtraining. Part V shares...

Overtraining Part IV: Health vs. Fitness
This is the FOURTH in a series of entries on my blog about my bout with overtraining. … Part IV is...

Overtraning part III – Gone walkabout
This is the THIRD in a series of entries on my blog about my bout with overtraining. … Part...

Overtraining Part II: Admitting what doesn’t work
This is the SECOND in a series of entries on my blog about my bout with overtraining. … Part II...

Overtraining Part I: What happened?
This is the first of a series of entries on my blog about my bout with overtraining. For over 15...

Swedish multisport national championship movie
Here come the results of my work as a camera man at the national championships. Cool movie, clipped together by Johannes...

My new job as a camera man
I just got back from a fun weekend at the National Multisport Championships as a camera man. Here come a few...

Film: Thule at the West Coast Adventure Race
The 24 hour West Coast Adventure Race begins tomorrow from Marstrand, Sweden. Check out this cool film Johannes put together...

A slow recovery – is there a reason?
I should be packing up for the National Championship race in Gothenburg this weekend (a 24 hour race on Sweden’s...

A broken rib … and my SCI Race
I have a broken rib. I should be recovering from a second training camp in Spain and preparing for departure for...

Film and interview from China Race
What’s it like to race in China? Here’s a 4 minute film with some interviews, GoPro action shots, and even...

Goat’s milk, fat-burning and dehydration
Good news !! I got a visa for travel to China for the Baise race in April. After years...

Training for training camp — and Ambit3
Hey endurance athletes! Here comes a little training update Thule Adventure Team in Spain Training for training camp An unusual winter...

Coast to Coast 2015 !
At 18.00 Swedish time tonight (Friday) the Coast to Coast starts in New Zealand. Last year at this time I...